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I’m Justin Gammon, and I like toys.

It actually goes a bit deeper than that, but I didn’t realize it before I authored this blog.

Like many of you, I just had a casual hobby of collecting cool creatures and characters and whatever other random figures from various toylines I liked. Sure it wasted money and space, but I enjoyed the hunt and display of my plastic trophies.

Occasionally though, I’d find things that were so bizarre… so confusing and just so ugly… I was compelled to take them home. I was intrigued beyond belief. These bizarre toy finds were sporadic, but most definitely in a category of their own in my toy collection.

In the pre-internet toy collecting world, you’d be hard-pressed to find out what these random weirdos were. Uncovering this unexposed underbelly of the toy world is how and why I began this site. I wanted to share and discover these toy oddities and their stories.

As this blog progressed and I found my self compelled to stay on the hunt to continue the quality content, I realized it was more than the toys. It was a quest for undiscovered and underappreciated artifacts. Unique objects that have a story to tell – a story that goes deeper than “Here’s the new Avengers Movie figure.”

Having built a career as a designer and illustrator, I spend most of my time “perfecting” work for myself and my clients. Weirdo Toys is the antithesis of all that. It celebrates the odd and imperfect. and it’s this complete contrast that keeps me coming back for more.