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Over the years, I’ve posted toys with special features which are best captured on video. Simply watching a toy’s action feature can make for a pretty dull video, but I sometimes feel compelled to liven things up a bit. Below is a small selection of videos taken from previous blog entries. Please enjoy.


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Hasty Dracula

This is a vintage coin bank called “Hasty Dracula.” I’ve documented its functionality here but put a little twist on it. This setup now puts Dracula in a sitcom where he plays a bumbling peeping tom.
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Weirdo How-To

Hey guys! Due to semi-popular request, here’s a quick look at how I do things for the Weirdo Toys blog. It’s a quick glimpse of my setup, how I select a toy, how I compose a shot and how I shoot the toys.
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[youtube_video id=”xpSbx4UYPQM” height=”371″ width=”660″ ]


Weepy the Wee-Wee

The lady who sold this toy to me told me it was an original from the 1940s. I’m not so sure, but it does look much older and better-painted than the modern Weepy reproductions. There’s a base on the figure that you fill with water. Just pull down his pants and he pees right at you. It looks like his stream has gotten weaker over the years.
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[youtube_video id=”OlOOZ4VbgdU” height=”371″ width=”660″ ]


The Santa Slamdance

What you’re looking at here is a Santa Claus Push Puppet by Kohner Bros. It’s one of those little toys that collapses when you press the button on the bottom of its base. This video is just the result of my goofing off. Enjoy!
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[youtube_video id=”eCz5m1IK8FM” height=”371″ width=”660″ ]


Hip-Hop Franky

This is a Ben Cooper Frankenstein Wiggler. His body language reminded me of this music, so I ended up making this goofy music video. It’s dumb, I know, but I figured it was a good way to demonstrate his jiggling rubber quality.
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[youtube_video id=”2yQXrC8Jf0A” height=”371″ width=”660″ ]


[youtube_video id=”jrr38TdcojQ” height=”371″ width=”660″ ]


2009 Greater York Toy Extravaganza

Here’s a look at the West and East Halls at the 2009 Greater York Toy Extravaganza in York, Pennsylvania. This is one of the best annual toy shows I’ve attended. A great range of old and new stuff. Tons of junk too.
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[youtube_video id=”u2ceJNfsJR8″ height=”371″ width=”660″ ]


(Musical) Magic Monster 1

I have no clue why there’s a lumberjack with a glowing red axe that sways side-to-side to the tune of “The Saints Go Marching In” with a mutating Monster head. Very weird indeed.
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