Last weekend I flew up to Allentown, PA for my first big toy show. It was the Allentown Antique Toy Show at the Allentown Fair.
Here are my impressions:
1. I was the only guy under 50 in that place.
Seriously. I felt like I was surrounded by my grandparents. It wasn’t a big deal, but unfortunately, this meant the collections and the items for sale weren’t really directed toward my generation or my budget… and it smelled kind of weird.
2. I couldn’t afford a damned thing.
Yeah, i know i should expect some price mark-up for old toys, but most of the pieces that caught my eye ended up being between $175-$400. I’m way out of my league here. I’ve been spoiled by finding great stuff at flea markets 😀
3. I felt like I was walking through a toy museum.
The place was huge and filled with history. From original Disney toys to Sambo dolls to old Transformers. It was unbelievable how diverse these items were. These toys were from all over the world and most of it was in tip-top shape.
4. It was freakin’ great!
I did manage to walk away with a handful of good finds, and I’ll post them all soon. All-in-all, I had a good time. Just like any toy show, you can never predict what will be there. You just have to hope for the best.
Here are some random pics from the show. Most of the vendors didn’t like my taking photos of their stuff, but I did manage to get a few toy shots (eat your hearts out Chris and Duane 😉 )
Did you at least find some Nutty Mad reproductions for cheap?
I saw some Nutty Mads, but none of them were cheap :O
I didn’t get any.
Hey, there’s another toy show in Allentown, PA
Merchants Square Mall
1901 s 12th st
Allentown, PA 18103
Over 10000 square feet of toys
You may have better luck. All types of toy Collectables. Less museum, but still great stuff!
Thanks for the info. I’ll have to check it out in the future.
I have not made it to an antique toy show in years. Those are some nice pictures you have, and it makes me jeaolus!
Maybe next year I will make it to the Marx Toys Museum. I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.
Check out the Marx Museum before you go. I was told that they are now closed. They had a big sale very recently.
Marx Toy Museum sounds like a good place to visit. If only I’d had a chance to visit it… and maybe take advantage of their sale. Crap.
Actually, I’d love to visit a toy museum in general. I never have. Anyone have any recommendations?
Nice post, keep up the good work!
Me and my Dad have a get away home around Allentown PA. Maby I’ll pay a vist some time and suffer the agony of not being able to purchase anything while the drool seeps down my mouth.