So, yesterday, I went to the White Horse Road Flea Market along with my friends Chris and Duane (some comic and toy buddies of mine). I’d been to this place a few times over the years and I never really found anything that moved me, but lo and behold, I found something (It wasn’t just another happy meal toy either. It was actually something I’ve been LOOKING for!).
I found the toy in one of the first rows of tables I walked by. I saw an older man sitting alone at a table (narrows it down doesn’t it?), He was just selling old tools or magazines or whatever-the-hell, but among the clutter I saw a little figure calling out to me. I approached the table for closer inspection and picked up the figure. The man insisted that i was holding a Fat Albert toy. “You remember the cartoon?” he asked. Yeah, I remember… and this was not Fat Albert.
I knew better. Much to my surprise, I had miraculously found another one of those freaky 1987 Skilcraft figures (I found that big-lipped guy 6 or 7 years ago maybe, and I thought I’d never see anything like it again).
Again, I have no clue what these weird, gross characters are, but now that I’ve found two of them, maybe I can piece some things together. They seemed to be mouth or eating related. This guy obviously loves pie. it’s crammed into his face and he even has his hands full of it. I’m not really sure what the white fish emblem on his shirt is. A Whale? Moby Dick perhaps?
As always, I need some help finding out what this toy is. The only info I can find is the Skilcraft ©1987 mark on his back.
Stay tuned. I have a couple of other interesting flea-market finds to share with you.
i have this toy too! i cant be of help when it comes to who it is, but mine comes with a cape…. he reminds me of lardass from stand by me…
I found out who he is. He’s Fat-So from the Gross-Out Gang!
He’s he worth anything I have him to