So, this is the 3rd and last toy I found at the White Horse Road Flea Market last Sunday. One of the vendors had a stack of these things selling them for a buck each. They were actually produced in 1986. It turned out to be an 80s toy weekend.
It’s Humpty Dumpty!
He’s not as cute as I remembered. He looks a bit freaky. Maybe even maniacal.
So, the Humpty Dumpty was peculiar enough, but it was the unique box that sold it to me. Just look at this thing.
At first glance it looks like any old Playskool toy. Ya know, the blue/red striping, the red logo, etc.
Waitaminit! It’s made by Krypton? Isn’t that Superman’s home planet?
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Wow! You know you’re in bad shape if your hoping to score some sales by ripping off Playskool.
Another great thing about this package are the funny product “callouts.”
“Now with ‘Had a Great Fall!’ Action!”
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You know how much kids love learning to save money.
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“And You ‘CAN’ Put Him Back Together Again…” if you feel inclined….
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And I just love this encouraging instruction sheet. At the end, it reads: Remember puzzles are not supposed to be simple. “So if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
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Well, looks simple enough. I hope the kids learn something.
Just for kicks, here’s a unique perspective of Humpty Dumpty by Ricky Gervais:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, and every one glued him back togather, and used him as a bank!
So you have to glue it together and eliminate the puzzle funcionality to use it as a bank?
Hey is this available for purchase