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Here’s a look at some more toys I picked up at the Allentown Antique Toy Show last weekend.

These weird, little, bendy aliens are the Outer Terrestrial Creatures by Marty Toy ©1983. This is one of 5 affordable things at the show (I’m joking… but barely)

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Outer Terrestrial Creatures - Ooggy, Uggy and Tiggy - Weird, bendy alien toys by Marty Toy, 1983

… and whadaya know! They’re still in the box! I usually don’t care about that sort of thing, but it’s good to get a look at this one just to see the cheesy 80s space graphics on it (and Outer Terrestrial Creatures has to be the least-catchy name for children’s alien toys I’ve ever heard).

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Outer Terrestrial Creatures Box - Ooggy, Uggy and Tiggy - Weird, bendy alien toys by Marty Toy, 1983

It also gives me a bit of insight on the toys’ “selling point.” The box reads “Bend Us for Somersault Action.” I tried it, and it left a lot to be desired. “Somersault Action” basically means, “Tap us on the head hard enough and we’ll flip over and fall on our backs (like any other toy you push hard enough).

The box also shows me the other 3 aliens I have left to find for my collection. Strange thing is, the ones I have are different colors than the ones featured on the box. I’m not sure if there were changes from prototype to production or if there are actually color variations of each character.

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Outer Terrestrial Creatures Box Back - Ooggy, Uggy and Tiggy - Weird, bendy alien toys by Marty Toy, 1983

Here’s a closer look at the little guys. As it says on the box, “We’re Ugly But Loveable!”

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Outer Terrestrial Creatures - Ooggy - Weird, bendy alien toy by Marty Toy, 1983

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Outer Terrestrial Creatures - Ooggy - Weird, bendy alien toy by Marty Toy, 1983

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Outer Terrestrial Creatures - Uggy - Weird, bendy alien toy by Marty Toy, 1983

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Outer Terrestrial Creatures - Uggy - Weird, bendy alien toy by Marty Toy, 1983

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Outer Terrestrial Creatures - Tiggy - Weird, bendy alien toy by Marty Toy, 1983

(Click to enlarge)
Outer Terrestrial Creatures - Tiggy - Weird, bendy alien toy by Marty Toy, 1983


  • Jonathan says:

    I could never remember their names myself. You already know some of these, but Ooggy comes in blue or pink, Tiggy comes in blue or light brown, Blobby comes in blue or yellow, Mooky comes in green or hot pink, Uggy comes in blue or red, and Okky comes in blue or pink. Lots of blue alternates!

  • garsh says:

    I’ve got a Tiggy that I’ve actually had since 1983 or thereabout. If I remember right, my dad bought it for me at either the creepy, homely mom-and-pop convenience store near my house at the time (it was called “Jane’s Market”) or at a random truck stop during one of our many travels together. It was sold loose, though, just in a plastic fishbowl bin with the others. I suppose they bought boxes by the case and just dumped the loose toys in there to make a little extra markup.

    Great blog, I’m adding your feed.

  • I had some of these when I was a kid. As I recall, I got them from some kind of discount store and they came in individual plastic bags with a cardboard header stapled to the top. As for the color differences, I had Ooggy, which was the same color as yours, a blue Tiggy and a purple Okky. I have no idea what happened to them. Likely, I bent them too many times and the wires popped out, as always. I came here via Dinosaurs & Robots

    Thanks for the flashback.


  • Justin says:

    Thanks for all the flashback input guys. I never had any of these things growing up. If you run across any of the other characters, please share the wealth 😉

  • Jimmy K says:

    I have 5 of these toys. I have a blue Blobby, Pink Ooggy, Purple & White Okky, Green Mooky & the same Uggy as you.

    I used to have the Tiggy in Blue, but I can’t seem to find him.

    Anyone interested in buying them from me?

  • Justin says:

    Hey Jimmy! Thanks for dropping by the blog… I’ll take ’em!! 😉

  • Josh B says:

    WOW! The net really has a page for EVERYTHING! I just ran across a Tiggy in Blue. It seems to be a rarity. Anyone here interested in buying it? I am willing to take offers. Also, if the Webmaster / site publisher is interested in the photos to post above I can email them to you free of charge. Thank you everyone for being a fan base of this obscure vintage toy line.

  • Justin says:

    Hey Josh. Glad you found the site!

    Also, as it turns out, I just won your blue Tiggy on eBay. Thanks 😉

  • Clambo says:

    I have 5 of the 6 and a couple color variations of 2 of them. I got three of them in the same type box as above, same six pics on the back, but the name of the line is different. My 3-pack is called ‘LI’L BENDABLE GREMLIN CREATURES’. It also is labeled Marty Toys rather than M-Toys. Same company, but they switched from ‘Marty’ to ‘M’ in the 80’s I believe. There is no date on mine, where as yours says 1983. Another odd difference, where your box says ‘BEND US OVER FOR SOMERSAULT ACTION’, mine says ‘BEND US OVER FOR FLIP-OVER ACTION’. Anyway, I hit you up about the Underground Warriors, I can help with pics on this line too if you wish.

  • ELSE3573 says:

    Billy Galaxy (a great vintage toy shop in Portland Oregon) has a boxed set on sale right now…

  • jayson says:

    My Uggy is green and white with red eyes =p

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