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Teenage Mutant Ninja Hulk

Teenage Mutant Ninja Hulk

So, what do you get when you cross a gamma-radiation contaminated man with a mutagen-induced mutant turtle? You get this guy. Teenage Mutant Ninja Hulk (Well, maybe he’s more middle-aged than teen-aged).

(Click to enlarge)
Mexican Bootleg Hulk Toy Mexican Bootleg Hulk Toy

My question is – Is this guy more of a Hulk toy or a Ninja Turtle toy?

(Click to enlarge)
Mexican Bootleg Hulk Toy Mexican Bootleg Hulk Toy

Green skin: Could be Hulk. Could be Turtle.

3-fingered hands: Looks like Ninja Turtles.

Elbow pads and wristbands: Looks like Turtle gear.

Two toes: Ninja turtle.

Knee pads: Turtle.

(Click to enlarge)
Mexican Bootleg Hulk Toy

Angry green humanoid: Hulk and Turtle i guess.

Constipated, human facial expression: Hulk

Holes in shoulders?: Neither.

(Click to enlarge)
Mexican Bootleg Hulk Toy

Blue jean cutoffs: Hulk.

Belt: Ninja Turtles

I’m not sure if that shed any light on the subject. All I know is this is a cheapy-as-hell Mexican toy. It’s flimsy, hollow plastic, and it looks to be made up of random, poorly made molds of TMNT arms and legs with Hulk torso and head. The badly painted-on pants give the toy a nice touch of crappiness, and the holes in his shoulders give the guy a little bit more mystery. Maybe those were places where a cape or parachute connected.

So, the new Incredible Hulk movie is coming out this summer, and this comedic monstrosity is what the unfortunate Mexican children get to play with when they ask for a new Hulk toy.

“Cowabunga! Hulk smash!”

10 Responses

  1. Matty says:

    It also looks like the “Just For Men” hair color ran down his forehead…AWESOME! I love the Cowabunga Hulk SMASH! nice touch!

  2. Harlequino says:

    Tentative Hulk…might SMASH!

  3. Meeklo says:

    That looks like 10ct toy. The ones made to tie up to rockets or melt with magnifying glass.

  4. Detritus says:

    Is it just me, or does the crotch area look a little worn? What’s that all about?

  5. Molly says:

    Wow…. I thought I had seen all the weirdo mismatched toys there were to see. Color me surprised 🙂

  6. […] Teenage Mutant Ninja Hulk. Filled with rage and craving pizza. […]

  7. The King of Bootlegs says:

    He looks pissed off! Couldn’t be as bad a Spaderman that I gave my gf with Crap- tastic action! LOL

  8. gregmishka says:

    RT @WeirdoToys: Because I’ve been too busy to bring u something new, here’s something old: Teenage Mutant Ninja Hulk –

  9. PoeGhostal says:

    RT @WeirdoToys: Because I’ve been too busy to bring u something new, here’s something old: Teenage Mutant Ninja Hulk –

  10. zombiecorp says:

    RT @WeirdoToys: Because I’ve been too busy to bring u something new, here’s something old: Teenage Mutant Ninja Hulk –

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