Hey Weirdo Toys readers.
Just a quick note. I’ve added a “Weirdo Shop” page to the site.
Now I need to be totally honest with you. This is simply a page that calls specified eBay auctions to the page. I’m not selling them personally. I’m actually doing this to potentially make a few extra dollars to maintain this site… cuz it’s getting costly 😀
I’m seriously not trying to pressure anyone into buying a thing. I’m just letting you know, I’m experimenting. I’m going to attempt to list some stuff you all have been interested in. If I can save you the work of having to find it, good for me.
Anyway, have a good weekend, and I hope to have some more weirdo stuff for you next week. If you have any ideas of stuff you’d like to see in the shop, be sure to leave a comment or something. Thanks.
great idea, i’ll take czech it out.
that statue is creepy. It looks like scrooge mcduck just killed his 3 nephews, locked their hacked up remains in a box, and now their tortured souls are getting ready to exact their revenge.
@ Mittens – Thanks! Good luck.
@ Mistuh_Thye – Ha! So true. They look like little ghost children. Fantastic.
oh man, totally scored an eyeguy at the thrift store today. everyone else be jealous.
@ Mittens – Sweet. The figure’s pretty cool huh?
The fact that you just wrote this makes me think I need some kind of section on the site for readers to share their finds. That may come in Weirdo Toys 2.0. I can barely give enough time to the site as it is 🙁