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Do you have any semi-lame toys lying around? Like these guys – the Bubbly Chubbies.

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Bubbly Chubbies

The only reason I keep them around is because they are recalled Teletubbies knockoffs. Wouldn’t it be great if you could easily transform such cutesy-ass characters into something mildly disturbing?

You know, something like this?

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Bubbly Chubbies with monster faces

Well, apparently you, can. All you need are some cheap-ass monster face rings.

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Monster Face Rings

These rings look like something you could find in those cheapy, import toy catalogs… like Oriental Trading Company.

I bought these rings on eBay, and once I’d received them, I realized I can instantly transform my “normal” toys into “weirdo” toys with the most minimal of effort. This transformation took very little time and money… About 5 seconds and 5 bucks. I just grabbed a ring. popped it over a toy’s head and voila! Instant weirdo.

I really love the look of the new and improved Bubbly Chubbies. Now they look more like “Grubbly Chubbies.”
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Grubbly Chubby

This Chubby is now a wonky-eyed viking guy with high blood pressure and a pink, marshmallow body.

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Grubbly Chubby

And we have a your standard screaming skull Chubby…

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Grubbly Chubby

and we top it off with the always classic gore gag… the dangling eyeball Chubby.

After seeing how great these guys turned out, I figured I’d try the remaining rings on some other figures I had lying around.

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Monster Kermit

This vintage Kermit figure becomes a naked, bug-eyed screamer.

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The blue guy from “Voltron,” King Zarkon, becomes Satan in his formal wear.

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Monster Ovion

And the green, alien guy from “Battlestar Galactica,” Ovion, becomes some weird raving, alien lunatic.

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Ovion, King Zarkon and Kermit

With that last one though, I have to admit – Ovion looks cooler and weirder without the ring/mask.

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Toys with Monster Rings

So, that’s about it. I just thought I’d share what originated as a cheapy, weird ring impulse buy actually ended up making some mildly interesting characters for my toy shelves at work.

You guys have any quick ring-faced figures you wanna share? I’d love to see ’em.

• Buy an Ovion figure on eBay!

• Buy a King Zarkon figure on eBay!

• Buy a vintage Kermit figure on eBay!

• Buy Monster Rings on eBay!


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