I’ve teased you long enough. Now’s your chance to get the very first Weirdo Toys t-shirt.
This is the first in what I hope to be a series of t-shirts featuring custom illustrations of various weirdo toys featured on this site.
First up? Apple Devil.
Be the first (and only) person on your block to flaunt a brightly-colored, apple-headed devil on your chest. The shirts are all good quality, asphalt-colored American Apparel brand. The graphic is a 6-color print, so… it’s fancy-schmancy. (Also, note there is a small, black graphic which reads “WeirdoToys.com” on the left sleeve.)
I’ve also created a “Weirdo Apparel” page and a quick link to the shirt in the side nav bar. Hope it’s not to “sell-out-y.”
Thanks for all the your support guys.
(The shirt is “unisex,” so it’s not just for girls like the photos may imply 😉 )
… and thanks to Bubba Shelby for inspiring the title of the t-shirt. Corny and Punny but still great!
Keep on Yuckin’
Asphalt Tee
Fine Jersey Short Sleeve T-Shirt – 100% cotton by American Apparel
$20 $15 Sold out.
Sweet shirt man! I’ll spread the word. We need some of the Li’l Bendable Creatures doing somersaults.
Sha-weet design!
Thanks for the support. I’m happy to see the Apple Devil strutting his stuff.