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motu-muscle2I have to admit, I get let down and frustrated sometimes by the incessant mashing-up of 80s properties by artists, designers and toy makers. Most of the time this approach comes across as lazy, but sometimes, a nod, a wink, a tribute or an homage to a nostalgic toy property like G. I. Joe, Masters of the Universe (MOTU), M.U.S.C.L.E. or whatever actually works.

I think I’ve found one of those rare cases. Behold – some of the most charming M.U.S.C.L.E. customs I’ve ever seen.

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Zodak, Man-E-Faces, Moss Man, He-Man, Man-at-Arms and Ram Man
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Tri-clops, Trap Jaw, Mer-Man, Skeletor, Beast Man and Faker
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Prince Adam, Ninjor, Orko, Sy-clone
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Clawful, Keldor, Hordak, Grizzlor
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Fisto, Jitsu, Mekanek, Stinkor
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Whiplash, ROboto, Snout Spout, Kobra Khan
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Scareglow, King Randor, Tung Lashor, Leech

These awesome customs came from the toy customizer Rick Dries – aka “PlasticPlayhouse.(Check out more of his work and reach out to him on the Little Rubber Guys message board.)

Sure, they aren’t “original.” They are painted to resemble He-Man characters, but that is in fact the beauty of this project. Rick has taken minifigures we’ve all seen a million times over the past 20 years and selectively chosen them to be the basis for quick customization… reinterpreting them as other characters we know and love. Great.

These custom figures actually feel like some kind of alternate universe or “bizarro” interpretation of the MOTU license… like these are odd foreign versions or something.

Anyway, I just needed to share these, because they seemed to be an exception to the rule of the uninspired, 80s nostalgia mash-up. Am I wrong?



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