The Home for Odd, Ugly and Neglected Toys

You've come a long way, Baby New Year!

You’ve come a long way, Baby New Year!

Well, it’s that time again. Time to start a new year! What better way to get fired up for 2008 than to light one up with Baby New Year!

(Click to enlarge)
Ceramic Smoking Baby Ceramic Smoking Baby

Alright, maybe this isn’t exactly the cuddly, newborn Baby New Year you’ve always imagined (something disturbs me about the back of his head). This is actually the ceramic Smoking Baby by Accoutrements. It’s pretty simple. This little fella is a smoking baby that comes packaged with his own mini pack of Lucky Monkey cigarettes (really just small sticks of unscented incense wrapped in paper).

“What? These things can stunt my growth?”
(Click to enlarge)
Ceramic Smoking Baby Lucky Monkey Cigarettes

When the baby’s “cigarette” is lit, it actually makes for a pretty convincing visual. I couldn’t do it justice in this video, but the cigarette has the little cherry tip, flowing smoke and everything. Nice. To spice things up, he’s accompanied by the comic stylings of comedy legend Bill Hicks. So, listen to what Bill has to say about smoking, and see this baby suck the cigarette down to its filter.

I’m not really a fan of smoking, but I do hope you all have a smokin’ new year (Yeah. Corny. I know.). Happy New Year folks!

2 Responses

  1. Jason H says:

    OMG, this is hilarious!
    I think they should make another version that has the body of the baby but its head should be the head of Sloth from the Goonies!

  2. zehn says:

    Check out Archie McPhee, they have a bunch of weirdo toys.

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